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Opponent calls out Cobb -- for being an ex-Cowboy

WASHINGTON – Things are getting real in a South Jersey House race.

Ex-Eagle Garry Cobb is being called out … for being a former Dallas Cowboy.

The swipe, from fellow Republican Claire Gustafson, came in a press release otherwise focused on some of Cobb's comments about how he was affected by concussions from his playing days.

But it opens with perhaps the most damaging (yet accurate) charge of all: "Responding to statements made by former Dallas Cowboy Garry Cobb …"

Gustafson and Cobb are both running in a Republican primary in a Congressional district based in Camden County.

Local Republican leaders, of course, have touted Cobb's background as a former Eagles linebacker as he campaigns to replace U.S. Rep. Rob Andrews, who resigned in February. The Camden County GOP is hoping Cobb's name recognition as a former Birds linebacker and WIP radio host can help them win in a heavily Democratic district. U.S. Rep. Jon Runyan rode his Eagles fame to victory in a neighboring district in 2010.

But Cobb is also a former Cowboy.

He has never run for office before, so it's unclear if he knew just how deep opposition researchers might dig.

For the record: Cobb spent most of his playing career (six seasons and 77 games) with the Detroit Lions, per ProFootballReference. He played three seasons and 44 games in Philly and his final two years and 19 games with the Cowboys. He lives in South Jersey.

Other GOP candidates in the race include Lee Lucas and Gerard McManus.

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