Controller Says City Can Reduce Deficit By Over $400 million
City Controller Alan Butkovitz says the city could realize more than $400 million through collecting city debts and putting other cost-saving measures in place.
Butkovitz today released a budget analysis with recommendations on how the city could increase collections and generate new revenue. Butkovitz said the data could help reduce the budget hole of more than $1 billion which the city faces over the next five years. We'll let you know what the city says in response to his suggestions.
Some of Butkovitz's findings:
* There are 62,000 delinquent water cutstomers, who owe $117 million in unpaid bills.
* Going to paperless paychecks would save $400,000 annually.
* The police department is not referring delinquent accounts for private protection to the law department. In March 2006, there were 76 accounts worth a total of $100,000 that were more than 90 days old.
Click here for the complete report.