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Councilman Jim Kenney calls Gov. Chris Christie a 'fat assed...creep'

City Councilman Jim Kenney vented about the Philadelphia Eagles loss Sunday night to the Dallas Cowboys by taking aim at New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's posterior.

City Councilman Jim Kenney vented about the Philadelphia Eagles loss Sunday night to the Dallas Cowboys by taking aim at New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's posterior.

"Chris Christie is sitting on his very large ass next to [Cowboys owner] Jerry Jones in his box at the Linc. You suck! Kissing Texas ass for 2016. Awful!," Kenney tweeted during the game's second half, dropping in a reference to Christie's expected bid for the 2016 Republican nomination for president.

"Hey fat assed Christie, kiss Jerry Jones' ass in his box in Dallas. Not across the river from Philly. You are just a creep!" Kenney tweeted in a follow-up two minutes later.

Kenney, a Democrat mulling a 2015 run for mayor, has a Twitter bio that reads: "Let's just be decent to each other. You can only be happy when in service to other people. Strive to be a person for others."

Kenney, via text, told PhillyClout local economics drove his tweet.

"I have a big nose and he has a fat ass," Kenney said. "Just as life deals you. But PA and Philly taxpayers paid for that box he was sitting in to cheer on the Cowboys."

Kenney added that those same taxpayers "spend millions of dollars every year" in New Jersey shore towns during the summer so Christie "should just consider his loyalties."

Kenney is not the only politician who takes issue with Christie's longstanding loyalty to the Cowboys. Former Gov. Ed Rendell, during a Thursday radio interview on 97.5 The Fanatic, said Christie's choice of football teams shows a "basic inferiority complex."

Rendell, a former mayor of Philadelphia and chairman of the Democratic National Committee, is now a post-game football analyst on Comcast Sportsnet.

Kenney took some heat from other tweeters for his anti-Christie remarks during and after the game.  It's not the first time he has drawn attention for Twitter.

The Daily News reported in 2012 that he was paying a social media firm $28,800 per year in taxpayer money to manage his Twitter account. Kenney got into a heated Twitter fight not long after that story with a city employee due to a comment he made about the Philadelphia Flyers.

UPDATE:  Christie's staff posted to his YouTube channel a Monday morning interview he did with WPG Talk Radio 1450-AM.

The host asked Christie about the "venomous conduct" of Eagles Fans.  Christie said a thick skin is needed in politics.  He added:

"I love passionate sports fans. I really do. I'm a passionate sports fan. And so I can't say that I was the least bit surprised by the reaction of some Eagles fans. I don't react in that way but I'm an enthusiastic Dallas Cowboys fan. I've never made a secret of it from the time I entered public life."