PhillyClout is reporting from Pennsylvania Society – an annual weekend when politicians and influence-makers from around the state head up to New York City to talk shop and down drinks at a seemingly endless series of cocktail parties and fund-raisers.
After a long night spent trekking through crowded ballrooms and bars at the storied Waldorf Astoria Hotel and other midtown spots on Friday evening, here are a few items we've picked up:
Joe Grace Running For Council
Joe Grace – who served as spokesman for former Mayor John Street and currently is executive director for CeaseFire PA – says he's running next year in the Democratic primary for the 1st Councilmanic District against Councilman Frank DiCicco.
Grace, who ran unsuccessfully for Council at-large in 2003, said: "last time I had the energy, but I didn't have enough experience. This time I have the experience." The Port Richmond resident is holding a fundraiser on December 21 and has a website set up.
In other Council news, Local 98 – the electricians' union -- was distributing Santa stickers that read "Henon for Council 2011" at their lavish annual party at the Waldorf. The union's political director Bobby Henon said he was considering an at-large run.
Rick 12?
Former Senator Rick Santorum was working the crowd outside Local 98's bash. The union's business manager John Dougherty greeted him with a copy of today's Washington Post, which featured a story about Santorum testing the presidential waters.
Santorum, who has made numerous visits to early primary states Iowa and New Hampshire, said he was seriously looking at the possibility. "I'm going to go through the process of trying to evaluate whether there's reason to continue," he said.
"Rick 12" stickers were also available at the party.
Mayoral Chatter
Tom Knox – the self made millionaire who ran unsuccessfully in the 2007 Democratic mayoral primary – was on the scene with his wife and didn't rule out the possibility of taking another stab at the mayor's office. The silver haired Knox said to stay tuned until the new year.
Mayor Nutter, meanwhile, was making the rounds throughout the night, greeting new Governor Tom Corbett and other friends and foes. He's set to hold a fundraiser tomorrow afternoon.