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VIDEO Katy Perry vs. super fan: Who knows the singer better?

Perry takes on a (little too) devoted fan in a quiz show about her own life

This is your life, Katy Perry! Too bad you don't know the minute details of it as well as Emily Draznik, one of your diehard KatyCat fans. How do we know?

Because last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, the puckish late night host arranged a quiz show-like showdown in which Katy and Emily, who had never met before (except in Emily's fantasies) competed at Perry trivia.

Buzz in first, you get ten points. Katy's parents' names. ZZZZZ! Advantage Emily. In fact, you get the feeling Emily could have run the whole table except that Perry got scarily competitive. Sisterhood of the Travelling what?

Too bad you don't know yourself better, Katy. You could have gone home with one of Emily's scrapbooks.

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