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Iverson's return likely Dec. 28

Today at 76ers practice, all indications pointed towards point guard Allen Iverson sitting the next two games -- tomorrow night at the Washington Wizards and Dec. 26 at the Utah Jazz -- and returning the following game, Dec. 28 at the Portland Trailblazers. The Sixers said Iverson would not travel with the team this afternoon to D.C.

Iverson has missed the past two games with arthritis in his left knee. Sixers officials and Iverson are saying that rest is the only thing that's truly going to make the knee feel better. Since his Dec. 7 return against the Denver Nuggets, Iverson had the knee drained three times.

Today, Iverson said he hopes that his return on Dec. 28 will be for good: that he won't have to sit out any more games.

Also from Sixers practice today, Eddie Jordan said he was likely going to start a backcourt of Jrue Holiday and Lou Williams tomorrow night. Jordan said Williams, just back from a broken jaw, did nothing to lose his starting job and Jordan felt he deserved it back. Starting lineup will likely be Holiday, Williams, Andre Iguodala, Thaddeus Young, and Samuel Dalembert. Jordan said he liked his "studs" off the bench: power forward Elton Brand and center Marreese Speights.
