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KG: "fair-weathered" beats bigoted any day

So, Kevin Garnett has decided that he wanted to boost the collective psyche of those wannabe fans in Boston, endearing himself to them by calling the fans of the City of Brotherly Love "fair-weathered."

"Take that how you want," Garnett added.

You think we're the fair weather type, do you? Ok, to that I say that it's better to be fair weather than to be anything remotely akin the cretins that unleashed their racist vitriol via Twitter upon Washington Capitals defenseman Joel Ward, a Black hockey player, last month after he eliminated Boston's Bruins from the NHL playoffs with an overtime goal.

Can't really call this an isolated incident, my friend, not unless you believe that those clowns were gathered together in some sort of Bruins/Skinheads gathering and, after their team went down, they all took to Twitter once Ward drove the stake through Boston's heart.

No, this wasn't the whole Boston fan base, not at all. But it's not a coincidence that Bill Russell, the biggest sports winner in the history of Boston sports, absolutely loathed the city and a fan base that he saw as racist.

His words, not mine.

So my advice to you, KG, is that you're better off winning this series, the next one and then the next. Because if you let those stalwart fans down, who knows what they'll unleash on you. We do know what they are capable of.

Take that how you want.