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D.A. says Delco cop attempted "body slam," cover up

A Sharon Hill cop was arrested today for allegedly attempting to "body slam" a guy at the trolley station, among other over-the-top acts. Then he altered the police report, according to the Delaware County District Attorney's Office.

A Sharon Hill police officer was arrested today on charges of harassment, attempted assault, tampering with public records and official oppression stemming from an incident this month in which he allegedly tried to "body slam" a guy at the trolley station, among other over-the-top acts.

Delaware County District Attorney G. Michael Green says Officer Stephen Capizzi, 27, told colleagues he was going out for cigarettes Dec. 5, but ended up stopping two young males at the Sharon Hill Trolley Station, searched them and asked "where's the weed?" When a woman began saying that they weren't doing anything wrong, Capizzi allegedly grabbed her and shook her, called for backup, threw her to the ground and leaned his "entire body weight on her," Green said in a statement.

"One of the assisting officers instructed Officer Capizzi to stop, noting that the complainant was not resisting," the statement said. Capizzi then allegedly approached one of the males, slammed him against the wall and attempted to "body slam" him to the ground.

Nice, huh?

Oh, he's also accused of punching him in the stomach while he was in handcuffs. To top it off, Green said, Capizzi later altered the police report to state that he had observed two subjects engaged in an argument at the trolley station. In the original report, Capizzi had claimed that he received a phone call about activity at the trolley station. But other cops who were present say no such call occurred, according to Green.