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Man fires back on robbers in W. Philly

Two punks picked the wrong person to rob in West Philly.

Just before 10:30 p.m., two men, 26 and 27, had just gotten off the trolley on Media Street near Conestoga, said Lt. John Walker of Southwest Detectives.

They were tired. It had been a long day at work, and they were ready to head to their homes, not far from the trolley stop.

As they walked down Media Street, they were approached by two men in their early 20s. A robbery was announced, Walker said.

The 27-year-old pulled out his handgun, which he's permitted to carry. One of the punks produced a pistol of his own, and gunfire rang out on the rain-soaked block.

Both punks were hit in the chest. One also got shot in his arm, Walker said.

One of the punks collapsed in the street. The other abandoned his partner in crime and ran into a nearby alley, where responding officers later found him slumped on the ground.

They weren't the only casualties: the 26-year-old had been shot in his stomach, Walker said.

Officers took all three to Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, where they are all in critical condition.

Back on Media Street, investigators recovered the gun used by the robbers. Detectives were interviewing the 27-year-old, who is cooperating, despite being pretty shaken, Walker said.