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Strippers to protest us!

At 3 p.m. tomorrrow, a group of strippers plans to protest in front of our building at 400 N. Broad Street, to let us know "Stripping is not a crime, it's an art," according to a Facebook page created for the event.

I've offended everyone from Irishmen to truck drivers in my time at the Daily News, but my colleagues and fellow Philly Confidential bloggers Dana DiFilippo and Phillip Lucas set a new bar with their recent cover story on strip clubs and now, the strippers are coming for us.

At 3 p.m. tomorrow, a group of strippers plans to protest in front of our building at 400 N. Broad Street, to let us know "Stripping is not a crime, it's an art," according to a Facebook page created for the event.

The creator of the event, Melissa Bang Bang Forgione, writes that the article was "bias" and despite the claims of an expert that stripping is a "toxic industry" that keeps dancers silenced, she has "never met an unwilling, silent stripper!"

"If you enjoy the entertainment of exotic dancers or are one, please join me as a I recite & deliver my letter to the editor."

As to just how she intends to deliver that letter or what she will be wearing when she does so remains to be seen. We don't have a strict dress code here at the Daily News, but I think we're at least required to wear pasties.

Also being held at the same time in front of our offices will be a "May Day Media March" which aims to bring attention to the misrepresentation of protesters by the media and the misrepresentation of, you guessed it, strippers, according to a separate Facebook page  created for that event.

"Yes, basically they printed that strippers are all drug addicts and whores. Shame on them."

C'mon ... we don't use the word whores in print.

A disclaimer on the invite reads "PLEASE BRING SIGNS" and "DO NOT BRING WEAPONS, DRUGS, ALCOHOL."
