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Catching up with Philly homegirl rapper Eve

Don't believe everything you read online. I was reminded of that after I did a quick Google search before getting on the phone with Eve, the Grammy-award winning rapper, and then congratulated her on being pregnant. She's not. “It’s been circulating a lot. I don’t know where it came from," Eve said of the pregnancy rumors. "I’ve been saying my due date is my album.”

Don't believe everything you read online. I was reminded of that after I did a quick Google search before getting on the phone with Eve, the Grammy-award winning rapper, and then congratulated her on being pregnant. She's not.

"It's been circulating a lot. A lot. I don't know where it came from," Eve said of the pregnancy rumors. "I've been saying my due date is the album, May 14th, just turning it into that. But no, I'm not pregnant."

What about the boyfriend, I asked. According to reports I'd read, she's dating a hunky British entrepreneur named Maximillion Cooper and also getting heat from some fans upset with her being in an interracial relationship.

"It's then when I first started. It's been almost three years now," said Eve, who's originally from Philly but moved to London's Notting Hill eight months ago. "At the end of the day, I've put out there that this is where my heart is. It started as, 'oh, you don't like black men any more' and that kind of thing. It has nothing to do with that. Your heart is your heart. I don't know how we got together but it happened and it worked. And I can't really explain it any more than that. "

"But I get it. From where I come from, it's obviously not the norm. So I understand. I completely understand," added Eve who attended Martin Luther King H.S.. "But people have to completely understand that I travel. My circle is different. I'm going to love who loves me back. Period. I don't care about the color."

Eve recently signed on as a spokeswoman for the Philly-based Big Brothers, Big Sisters mentoring organization.

"I didn't know they were based in Philly. So for me, that's huge," she told me Tuesday night. "I'll be going out to recruit and such...One of the biggest things is getting black men to come in and mentor which is needed everywhere. And then with my song, I have a single called 'Make it Out of this Town' and we're figuring out how sales from the single could maybe benefit the organization and just lending my voice. I'm excited about it."

The song is due out in a few weeks.

"It's, basically, a song about struggles. It's a song about being in a dark place and coming out of it. It's a song about just hope and I think that's what Big Brothers, Big Sisters is about. It's about giving people hope. It's a very positive uplifting record about you just digging yourself out of whereever you are and you can make things happen."

Since she's now a spokeswoman for Big Brothers, Big Sisters, would she ever mentor one-on-one with a young girl?

"I think it would be an amazing experience. But I want to make sure that I'm able to dedicate the time to be in a place. One city because I travel so much," said Eve, who has been going back and forth to London for the last three years. "I feel like this is at least my foot in the door to give back. At some point in my life I would love to."

Any wedding bells?

"Hopefully, sooner than later," Eve said, laughing.