Frozen rice is hot
Becky Batcha says: Am I the last one to find out about frozen organic brown rice?
Am I the last one to know about frozen organic brown rice? It seems to have appeared about a year ago at Trader Joe's, where it also seems to be perpetually sold out. Web reports document several instances of stockpiling. (An Earth to Philly correspondent confirmed for me that the Center City Trader Joe's had a good selection as of this weekend.)
I just had my first encounter with the stuff this weekend at my local Whole Foods (Princeton, which had a freezer case full—please stay calm and carpool up the highway in an orderly fashion.) And because of frozen organic brown rice I am about to commit my first OMG in public:
OMG! Is this rice great!
It's great because you dump some frozen rice in a bowl, put it in the microwave, and three minutes later it's done. The taste and texture are perfect—possibly better than pokey old 45-minute brown rice.
If you don't believe me, you can visit my new favorite blog, Cooking With Trader Joes, for a second opinion. CWTG also has recipes for dishes that you can serve with your new rice friend, like Hurry for the Curry Thai Yellow Curry with Vegetables.
In a cosmic coincidence, my Daily News colleague April Lisante has just included the CWTG bloggers' cookbook, Cooking with All Things Trader Joe's, in her holiday gift list, "Goodies for Foodies." Two other earth-friendly suggestions from April's list are TruBamboo cutting boards and fair-trade shortbread cookies from South Africa.