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Corbett names Charles Zogby budget secretary

Republican Gov-elect Tom Corbett has named Charles Zogby as his Budget Secretary.

Republican Gov-elect Tom Corbett has named Charles Zogby, a former state Education Secretary, as his Budget Secretary.

Zogby, 48, of Mechanicsburg, York County, is no stranger to Harriburg. From 1995 to 2001, he was the policy director under Gov. Tom Ridge, before becoming his, and Mark Schweiker's, Education Secretary in 2001.

Since 2003, he has been the Senior Vice President of Education and Policy for K-12 Inc., an online school curriculum developer and provider.

In a statement issued today, Corbett said that Zogby is an example of both leadership and service.

"Our goal is to enact a responsible, commonsense budget," Corbett said. "Charles Zogby's experience and knowledge of the inner workings of state government make him an ideal choice as Budget Secretary."

Though a cabinet position, the Secretary of the Budget does not require Senate confirmation.

Zogby will be responsible for reparing the Governor's budget and for its implementation after legislative enactment. He will also be responsible for maintaining the commonwealth's accounting, payroll, debt issuance and financial reporting systems and programs.

Corbett is expected to introduce his first state budget in early March and has said that balancing the state budget, with its projected $4 billion to $5 billion shortfall without increasing taxes or fees is his top priority.

Those in education circles will be watching closely.

His predecessor, Gov. Rendell, is on his way out, and so may his annual push for more education funding for districts. And with Republicans taking control of the House, funding for the Philadelphia School District, the state's largest school district, facing more than a $400 million budget shortage, may pose serious challenges for Superintendent Arlene Ackerman's administration.

Corbett has said that he won't necessarily make the same decisions as his predecessor when it comes to school funding.