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Indonesia is not Gaga for Gaga

On Tuesday, the national police of Indonesia decided to deny Gaga's permit for her June "Born This Way" performance in Jakarta. The nature of the snub? Her clothes (or lack thereof).

One country in Asia says Lady Gaga is not allowed to perform within its borders.

On Tuesday, the national police of Indonesia decided to deny Gaga's permit for her June "Born This Way" performance in Jakarta. The nature of the snub? Her clothes (or lack thereof).

According to protesters and lawmakers across the country, Gaga's suggestive stage outfits and her dance routines could corrupt younger generations. Islamic conservatives especially find her influence to be troublesome, and have protested against her June 3 sold-out show, some stating that they would resort to physical violence to prevent her from stepping off that plane.

With these threats in mind, local and national security decided it was best to completely avoid the situation. Now, concert promoters will have to answer to the 52,000 ticket-holders who were looking forward to her show.

More protests to come?