How can heart attack symptoms differ in men, women?
This Valentine's Day, I encourage you and your loved ones to focus on matters of the heart. But not simply your emotions and feelings, I'm talking about that major muscle within your chest that keeps your body going.
About every 43 seconds, someone in the United States has a heart attack. Heart attacks can affect everyone differently, and it's important that you are able to identify the signs so you know when to seek medical attention.
Specifically, men and women experience different symptoms during a heart attack ranging from sharp, crushing chest pain, to no chest pain at all.
Symptoms are not the only way that men and women can differ. Because women experience an atypical presentation of symptoms, they often delay treatment, or are less likely to seek treatment all together.
It is estimated that nearly one-half of middle-aged men and one-third of middle aged women will develop some type of coronary heart disease over their lifetime that can lead to heart attack. This year, instead of flowers and candy, think about familiarizing yourself with the symptoms that can affect you and your partner. All couples should learn how to do CPR. That's a real gift of love if it is ever needed!
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