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Doc's big thanks to Carol Ann Campbell

Former City Councilwoman Carol Ann Campbell announced months ago that she was advising electricians union leader John Dougherty on his state Senate campaign. Dougherty didn't win, but the advice netted her and her political circle a generous rewar

Former City Councilwoman Carol Ann Campbell announced months ago that she was advising electricians union leader John Dougherty on his state Senate campaign.

Dougherty didn't win, but the advice netted her and her political circle a generous reward: $50,000.

According to new campaign-finance reports, Local 98's political committee made two $25,000 donations in April to Genesis IV, a PAC with strong ties to Campbell.

That sum represented nearly every dollar in Genesis IV's bank account, and to be sure, the committee spent every last dime - and then some, as a campaign-finance report shows that it is now $3,700 in debt.

Where did the money go?

Nearly half - $26,200 - went to expenses related to the successful primary reelection campaign of State Rep. Rosita Youngblood.

Another chunk - $8,000 - went to Campbell herself. And it was in the form of a personal check authorized by Campbell's brother, Edgar, treasurer of Genesis IV.

The payment is described as "reimbursement for election" on the report, and Campbell said Dougherty reimbursed her for personal checks she had given to ward leaders, most for $500 apiece. At least one ward leader, Ralph Wynder, confirmed receiving the money.

Campbell said she kept no money herself and wouldn't take it from Dougherty, whom she considers a friend. To be sure, her brother also received some Genesis IV money, $6,300 for what was described as "food for election."

In an interview, Campbell, who is also secretary of Philadelphia's Democratic Party and a ward leader, carefully noted that she did not run the PAC.

Indeed, Campbell founded Genesis IV in 2003 and, according to state records, remained its chair until Jan. 24, 2007. That's when Edward C. Wright - her chief of staff in Council - took over.