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Black Clergy to back Nutter

Not that there is anyone else to endorse, but the Philadelphia Black Clergy & Vicinity on Monday will come out in support of Mayor Nutter for a second term.

The Black Clergy group backed one of Nutter's rivals, state Rep. Dwight Evans, in the 2007 Democratic primary. Evans now is also behind Nutter, who faces primary opposition from just one possible candidate at this time. That is state Sen. Anthony Williams, who says he will announce next week whether he will get in the race, or not. The Black Clergy was apparently not concerned about waiting for that announcement.

Here is the news release from the Nutter campaign.

BLACK CLERGY TO ENDORSE NUTTER FOR MAYOR Announcement scheduled for Monday at First District Plaza

(PHILADELPHIA) -- The Black Clergy of Philadelphia and Vicinity will endorse Michael Nutter in his re-election bid for mayor, during an 11 a.m. press conference at First District Plaza at 3801 Market St., Monday, Feb. 7.

The group plans to cite Nutter's mission to improve public education, his focus on new job opportunities during the declining economy, his accomplishments in crime prevention, and his compassion for struggling Philadelphians -- through such initiatives as Reintegration Services for Ex-Offenders and the Inclusion Works programs – as reasons for its support.

"In this current economic climate, and with the constraints felt by city and state officials along with the rest of the nation, the Mayor has done a tremendous job on behalf of the city of Philadelphia," Terrence Griffith, 1st Vice President for the Clergy group, said.

The group represents 450 churches in the region, and sees its mission as improving the lives and conditions of the region's African-American community, through the promotion of equality, justice, jobs, better housing and education.

Formed 30 years ago in response to a 51-day schools strike, the influential and politically active group shares many views with Nutter, who is a member of Mt. Carmel Baptist Church in West Philadelphia. About 50 clergy members are expected to attend Monday's announcement.

"I am pleased and honored to receive the endorsement of the Black Clergy of Philadelphia," Mayor Nutter said, "a group that has fought long and hard for equal rights and equal opportunity for members of the African-American community. I share its belief that education is the way out of poverty and toward greater progress for our city. I look forward to continued work with its members toward making Philadelphia a city where all people can find hope and opportunity."

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