City unions plan rally next week
So much for labor peace.
Last year at this time, there was little more than a peep to be heard from the four municipal labor unions as they were renegotiating contracts with the Nutter administration. At the mayor's request, all sides had agreed to keep their talks out of the public spotlight - which is exactly what happened, with a few minor exceptions.
That does not promise to be the case this year, evidenced by soured relationships between many of the union leaders and Nutter.
Those tensions will spill over publicly this Thursday, when District Council 33, which represents blue-collar workers, and District Council 47, whose members work white-collar city jobs, gather for a 5 p.m. rally in LOVE Park. According to a flier being distributed, Transport Workers Union Local 234 and SEIU Local 32BJ will also participate "to show solidarity with all public sector unions."
DC 33 and DC 47 have contracts that expire June 30.
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