I'm about to board my flight to Los Angeles and an assortment of questions enter the old noggin before I'm to embark on my first extended stay in SoCal. Will today's press event at Disneyland with Penn State and Southern Cal coaches and captains be as cheesy as I anticipate? Will Joe Paterno bark at a photographer or will he ride the tea cups? Is Pete Carroll really that young looking or is the botox? Will the Trojans arrive wearing fatigues? How often will the 1987 Fiesta Bowl be mentioned this week? Which Penn State player will I see sloshed in West Hollywood at 3 a.m. on New Year's Eve? How many celebrities will I spot? Paterno doesn't count. Where does Jessica Biel live? Does getting arrested for stalking mean mandatory jail time? How many references to film can I pack into my stories? What studio will purchase my life of Paterno screenplay? Who will play JoePa? Is Al Pacino too obvious a choice?
Back with more upon my landing.