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GM's Wilmington plant waits word on bankruptcy fate

GM's Wilmington plant waits word on bankruptcy fate

General Motors filing for bankruptcy: "An Obama auto task force spent three months restructuring the 100-year-old business -- which at one time built half of all cars in America and was the largest private employer in the world. That effort lands today in bankruptcy court." Bloomberg story here.

In Wilmington, the last 450 workers at the GM Boxwood Road plant (used to be over 2,000) wait for word on whether the plant could be converted to make Spark compacts. The plant is most likely a "goner", since it builds Saturns and Pontiacs, two lines GM plans to stop, but Gov. Markell is mounting a last-ditch salvage effort, reports the Wilmington News Journal here. The Newark, Del. Chrysler plant closed last year.