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X at the WCL

Los Angeles punk-rock greats X are at the World Cafe Live tonight. That's news because the original foursome of bassist John Doe, drummer DJ Bonebrake, guitarist Billy Zoom and singer Exene Cervenka are still a formidable live band, and because Cervenka, who was formerly married to both Doe and Viggo Mortensen, announced on Tuesday that she's suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. Cervenka plans to keep on touring, and she has a solo album due on Bloodshot in the fall. "The irony is not lost on any of us," she said, that X has been a longtime supporter of Victoria Williams' Sweet Relief MS charity: Here, Chuck Berry goes late '70s L.A. punk on "Johnny Hit And Run Paulene," from Penelope Spheeris' Decline Of Western Civilization.