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"Pirate" Gold, "Tree" Wins Palm

"Pirates" Win Weekend, "Tree of Life" Wins at Cannes

The latest "Pirates of the Caribbean" made $90 million in three days, so there's almost sure to be a fifth installment, even if Johnny Depp (as he's been hinting) doesn't want to do it. Jerry Bruckheimer will have to go and find someone who looks like him. Skeet Ulrich, maybe. The real box office story, though, is the phenomenal holdover business for "Bridesmaids," down less than 20 percent -- almost unheard of these days for a wide release. ("Thor," by comparison, dropped 55 percent.)

Over at Cannes, Terrence Malick's "Tree of Life" won the Palm D'or. The movie, Malick's richly visual profile of the 50s family headed by Brad Pitt, opens here June 10 at the Ritz theaters. Kirsten Dunst won best actress for "Melancholia," directed by Lars Von Trier, who got kicked out of the festival for "joking" that he had some sympathy for Hitler. Von Trier later apologized by saying that he was "no Mel Gibson."

Here's a link to the Hollywood Reporter story, wherein we learn that Dunst plays "a depressed woman whose wedding is overshadowed by the approaching end of the world." That would do it.

A Ryan Gosling "automotive thriller" won best director for Nicolas Winding Refn. It opens stateside in September.