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Cowboys' Brooking forgets Eagles game

With 1:55 left in yesterday's NFC divisional game, Brett Favre found tight end Visanthe Shiancoe for an 11-yard touchdown to put the Vikings up 34-3.

If you were watching, you saw Cowboys linebacker Keith Brooking run over to the Minnesota sideline and take issue with the score.

"I thought it was totally classless and disrespectful," Brooking told the Dallas Morning-News. "This is the NFL, that's not what this is about. I don't think there's a place for that ... I was looking for [Vikings head coach Brad] Childress. I didn't think it was right."

Our first thought was: Hasn't Brooking been paying attention? If nothing else, we know that Childress has nothing to do with the Vikings' offense, right? Doesn't Favre ignore his head coach and do what he wants? So Brooking probably should have been looking for No. 4.

Our second thought was: Wait a minute. Wasn't Tony Romo still throwing late in the game against the Eagles in Week 17?

And the answer is yes. We looked it up.

With about 2:30 left in that game, the Cowboys faced a 4th-and-2 from the Eagles' 35-yard line. They were up, 24-0 (the exact point differential in yesterday's game before the final TD). Dallas could have easily taken a knee and given the Eagles' offense the ball back with 2:20 left, but Romo dropped back and looked for a receiver before getting sacked by Juqua Parker.

On that day, I remember no such footage of Brooking barking at Romo or offensive coordinator Jason Garrett and lecturing them about class and respect. But maybe the cameras just didn't catch that part.

As for my opinion, I partly agree with Brooking - there's no reason for the Vikings to be throwing to the end zone at that point in the game. But I have more of a problem with him running over to the sidelines and complaining. You are a defensive player. You have the ability to stop them from scoring. Direct your energy at the right places.

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