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Kolb as trade bait?

File this one under the rumor category.

Pro Football Weekly speculates that the Eagles could try and showcase Kevin Kolb this year and use him as trade bait after the season:

With talk that Donovan McNabb could get an extension that could make him an Eagle for his entire career, it's interesting to note what might happen to Kevin Kolb, once believed to be the heir apparent at quarterback. Our sources continue to tell us that the Eagles like Kolb — just as the Packers liked Matt Hasselbeck once and the Patriots liked Matt Cassel after his breakout season. There just might not be a home for Kolb, who is signed through 2010. Don't be surprised if he is showcased a little bit this season, perhaps in a blowout or two, and then becomes trade bait next offseason.

Kolb was actually asked about this exact rumor during an interview with ESPN 950's Mike Missanelli earlier this week.

Here was his response:

"You know, I have no idea what's gonna happen," Kolb said. "And that's why as you get more years under your belt, you learn, like I said before, you just gotta take care of what's your problem on the field and the play will take care of everything else. Do I want to be an Eagle for my entire career? Yes, I want to stay here. And hopefully it works out for both Donovan and I, but whatever happens, it happens, and I don't have any control over it. I can just go out there and continue to play ball the best I know how."

The thought that the Eagles would showcase Kolb in blowouts seems a little silly to us. Would a team really base its decision to trade for a guy because of what he does in mop-up duty? Not sure that makes a whole lot of sense.

But (as if you need encouragement) feel free to chime in on the rumor and Kolb's comments.


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