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Notre Dame must honor Declan Sullivan

Brian Kelly will never be able to shake the shame involved regarding the tragic death of student manager Declan Sullivan, who died in October when a video tower collapsed during unsafe extremely windy conditions while filming practice. Kelly should not have left Sullivan alone on the tower. The student used Twitter explaining how dangerous it was. The team practiced the day before indoors because of the violent winds. The school admitted guilt and was fined $77,500 by the state for negligence. They played football for their next scheduled game and the students showed up instead of protesting the nationally-televised game. Somehow Kelly didn't get fired and the glow of a hollow bowl win over an embarrassing Miami team has continued throughout 2011. Kelly and his staff sure as he'll can recruit, so the return to glory is almost assured. You get the players now and you WILL win later. But the blood on his hands will never go away. George O'Leary got fired for a few venial sins on a resume. Kelly will be playing in a BCS bowl game on New Year's Day and the faithful will be happy. But they should never forget Declan Sullivan.

Brian Kelly will never be able to shake the shame involved regarding the tragic death of student manager Declan Sullivan, who died in October when a video tower collapsed during unsafe extremely windy conditions while filming practice.

Kelly should not have left Sullivan alone on the tower. The student used Twitter explaining how dangerous it was. The team practiced the day before indoors because of the violent winds.

The school admitted guilt and was fined $77,500 by the state for negligence. They played football for their next scheduled game and the students showed up instead of protesting the nationally-televised game.

Somehow Kelly didn't get fired and the glow of a hollow bowl win over an embarrassing Miami team has continued throughout 2011.

Kelly and his staff sure as hell can recruit, so the return to glory is almost assured. You get the players now and you WILL win later.

But the blood on his hands will never go away.

George O'Leary got fired for a few venial sins on a resume.

Kelly will be playing in a BCS bowl game on New Year's Day and the faithful will be happy.

But they should never forget Declan Sullivan.