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Fierce Finnish Santa Claus cult classic screens for free!

Movie night at The Plastic Club this Saturday: “Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale” plus rare shorts

A big mean Santa Claus and a bunch of nasty naked elves tromp around the arctic north in Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale, a truly funny – and frightening – movie about a less than jolly Father Christmas. With dismembered reindeers splattered across the landscape, Jalmari Helander's straight-faced spoof is the perfect holiday film for those suffering an overdose of saccharine Yuletide fare.

Also on the slate for the free Movie Night, this Saturday, Dec. 8th, at The Plastic Club – the landmark art club on Camac Street – is a program of rare and wonderful cartoons and shorts, including: "Peace on Earth" (1939), in which a wise old squirrel tells his young 'uns the cautionary tale of war-mongering humankind, and "Chess Fever" a mid-1920s Russian silent about a young man obsessed with the game, and the neglected fiancé who runs into the world champion, fatefully.

Movie Night begins at 6:30p.m. and goes to 11p.m. or thereabouts, at The Plastic Club, 247 S. Camac Street. For more info: 215-545-9324, or