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Fun times at Andy Reid's garage sale

Harriton High School is museum of departure at the moment.  The lobby contains a wall of farewells from seniors, revealing their chosen colleges with rhymes and cadences of varying success.

The senior prom is tonight, but the school's highest profile fundraiser at the moment is taking place hours before the limos roll up.  From 9 a.m. to noon, HHS loaned its gymnasium to Andy Reid, who wanted to unload a few closets and dens worth of memorabilia before putting the Philadelphia region behind him forever.

And there's no better way to do that than slapping price tags on your stuff.

In most cases, it's incredibly effective.  Nobody would want to buy your rain boots for $135, but Reid's stuff is clearly a draw, as dozens of people made their way to the school this morning to take a gander at some mittens hanging off a small tree, or bid on some game-worn jackets.

"We hope that you enjoy these dishes for gatherings with family & friends as much as we did," Reid wrote on a note attached to a small stack of bowls. It's nice to be thought of so kindly.

Eagles jerseys and helpful students filled the corridors, all looking for one last genuine piece of the last 14 years of Eagles football to hold onto while Reid wins the Super Bowl somewhere else. Not sure what it says about Reid's tenure that everything on the "signed hats" table was $10 and the "unsigned hats" were running for $15, putting his signature around -$5.00.

You did think, occasionally, "poor Andy," as you imagined him sitting next to wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of meaningless hats, scribbling his signature on each, one by one, in preparation for today.

But mostly, it was a banner day for people who enjoy a good table full of hats, most of them signed by Reid, and many of them having nothing to do with him.  The "Drexel Ecology" cap featuring Reid's curly moniker stood out as one of the more curious entries, but we'll get to that on Monday.  At one point, a jarbled announcement crackled over the PA system about a pillow case, and at least two people gasped and ran off.

It's fair to say that no matter their opinion on the Eagles' former coach, his old belongings, like the Eagles themselves, seem to always be worth a look.