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Lenny Dykstra admits he used to blackmail umpires

Lenny Dykstra has made a confession.

At this point, this barely qualifies as groundbreaking, but this isn't about steroids or a $31 million debt or embezzling or grand theft or any of the litany of negative stories that have come out about the former Phillies center fielder.

Dykstra admitted while being interviewed, with no provocation, that he used half a million dollars to hire a private investigation team to get dirt on umpires, including extramarital affairs and gambling, that he would then use to shrink his personal strike zone.

"It wasn't a coincidence I led the league in walks the next few years, was it?" he asks a flabbergasted Colin Cowherd.

Dykstra led the league in walks one year - 1993, with 129 in 773 PA. He also doesn't think he should have gone to prison; also his cell was next to "the head of the Mexican mafia"; also he never read a book growing up because he didn't want to harm his vision for baseball -- you know what, every sentence he says is a confession of some kind.