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Lions lose due to football being touched by Justin Tucker's sinister foot magic

- And, also as usual, Tucker horrified his enemies.

This is what it looks like when you lose on a 61 yard field goal.

- So shocked were some Detroit advocates that their analysis failed to address the fact that the Lions led the entire game until the last three minutes.

The Lions lost this game in the first quarter.

- Meanwhile, Usain Bolt raced a city bus and won.

- Chip Kelly calmed a reeling public yesterday after rumors surfaced that he was going out for a cigarette and moving to Texas.

- The A's ownership has some concerns about a waterfront stadium, namely that all of their players will turn into super villains.

- Ha ha ha some people look like other people!

Mike Ditka, cartoon character:

- The baseball gods have been most cruel to Shane Victorino whose recovery from thumb surgery will hopefully be speedier than for most other people, because it's not like he communicates principally with gesticulations.