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Rendell talks Alycia on 610 WIP

Gov. Rendell called into 610 WIP's Angelo Cataldi morning show just minutes ago to clarify some details first posted here yesterday. Rendell says that Sunday night, Alycia Lane

Gov. Rendell called into 610 WIP's Angelo Cataldi morning show just minutes ago to clarify some details first posted here yesterday.

Rendell says that Sunday night, Alycia Lane tried to get his cell phone number, but didn't reach him until Monday morning in the office. "She didn't ask me for anything," Rendell said.

"She's too smart to think I'm gonna make a call to get her out of trouble. She wanted someone to hear her side of the story. I listened and I said ,'Are you gonna go public with this,?"

Rendell said Lane told him she wasn't supposed to talk about the case of her arrest in New York early Sunday morning, but hopes that her story will be heard sometime soon.

Rendell said based on our report and our on-air interview with WIP only moments before he called in, that "we need to see the police reports," and "the conduct of the car seemed to be strange." He agreed with WIP's Rhea Hughes that as there were three cops involved and also three passengers in Lane's cab there are six people who need to be heard from about the situation in which she's alleged to have punched a female plainclothes police officer and called her a "fucking dyke."

"Does trouble seem to find her? Yeah... She's a decent person she does so much in the community. I guess she respects me and because she can't get it out publicly," Rendell said as to why Lane contacted him.

"I do have some empathy for people like Alycia who are in the news because they're under the microscope. Do you think if Alycia was 60 years old and had grey hair that you'd have heard about this?

Cataldi told Rendell he hoped that if he were in trouble he could count on the governor's help. "In the pecking order of things, Angelo, and maybe this shows I'm getting old, you're ahead of Alycia," Rendell replied. "We wouldn't let New York get you."