Cat set on fire last month gets new life with Philly firefighter
When two young men set fire to Campbell the cat in OIney early last month, it looked like the end for the Philly feline. Now, though, thanks to firefighter Stephen Paslawski, Campbell has started a new lease on life.
When two young men set fire to Campbell the cat in OIney early last month, it looked like the end for the Philly feline. Now, though, thanks to firefighter Stephen Paslawski, Campbell has started a new lease on life.
Paslawski took Campbell home from the SPCA last night, where the cat had been since the incident that left burns over up to 65 percent of its body. Two surgeries and some recovery time at Penn Vet's Hospital in University City, and Campbell is good to go.
Tyrique Hall, 21, and Jose Sanchez, 18, however, aren't in as good of shape. Accused of setting Campbell ablaze last month, the pair have since been arrested and are currently facing charges. They could each get prison sentences of 10 years apiece.
As for Paslawski, though, he sees the whole situation as fate because "everything fell in line." Campbell's original owner, Madelyn Rivera, couldn't take her cat back following his severe injuries, leaving Paslawski to care for the all-but-abandoned animal.
Campbell, no doubt, will make the best of his do-over. Nine lives don't last as long as you'd think.