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Kelly on Texas rumors: 'I plan to be here for awhile'

First it was USC. Now, it's Texas.

When a high-profile college job opens, Chip Kelly's name is mentioned. But Kelly said he's not involved in any other job and plans to be in Philadelphia.

"I'm the coach of the Philadelphia Eagles," Kelly said. "I'm preparing for the Bears, I'll prepare for the Cowboys after that, and hopefully we have an opportunity to prepare for the playoffs, and I plan to be here for awhile."

Kelly said he does not know why his name keeps coming up with other jobs.

"I don't talk to anybody," Kelly said. "I really don't know. It's just speculation. I haven't spoken to anybody, nor will I speak to anybody."

Kelly was told that it's because of his history as a college coach. When asked if he feels like a pro coach, Kelly alluded to the Eagles' 8-6 record.

"I consider myself a pro coach eight times this year," Kelly said, "and six times I haven't [been]."

Don't expect Kelly to leave anytime soon. He likes it here, and the organization likes him. Kelly is well compensated and has the freedom to coach how he wants, with considerable resources at his disposal.