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Malcolm Jenkins' trash talk game is strong

Many Eagles fans were disappointed when the Eagles signed Malcolm Jenkins in free agency instead of going after a more decorated safety like Jairus Byrd. To be determined if Malcolm Jenkins is the answer on the field at safety for the Eagles, but his trash talk game off the field is strong, if you're into that kind of thing.

Appearing on NFL Network in an analyst role, Jenkins was asked how the Cowboys' 32nd ranked defense could possibly get better after having lost star players DeMarcus Ware and Jason Hatcher this offseason. Speaking in a "matter of fact" kind of tone, here's what Jenkins had to say:

"A couple years ago, their scapegoat was Rob Ryan, and they got rid of him, and he was the cause of all their problems. He went to New Orleans and took the worst defense in NFL history and turned them into a top 5 defense. So he couldn't have been the problem.

And then you look at this year, I had the best seat in the house when I watched the Saints get 40 first downs in one game. Forty. In one game. So it must be the players.

The offseason comes and you don't do anything in free agency to get any big name players to come help you out, so I really don't see the light at the end of the tunnel for this defense in improving when you got the same guys and the same coaches."


Update: I probably should have watched the entire segment before posting what Jenkins said about the Cowboys, because he went on to take some matter of fact shots at the Giants and Redskins too.

On Eli Manning:

"I think the problem is he was sacked 39 times, a career high last year. If that continues, Eli's best days are behind him. If they can protect him, then maybe, but it doesn't look like it."

Note: I fact checked to see if indeed Jenkins was accurate that Eli was sacked 39 times. He was.

And what about  the Redskins, Malcolm?

"I think the biggest thing we're going to see is (Robert Griffin III) take that next step as far as the cerebral approach to the game. But the biggest concern I have with RG3 is, will he protect himself? And that's a thing he hasn't done early in his career.

He scrambles, he gets those extra yards, he makes those throws out of the pocket, but takes a lot of unnecessary hits. We've seen the toll that has had on him.

Last year he really wasn't himself, still trying to recover from that injury. Those kind of hits, when you talk about a QB, it's all about accountability and availability. He's very very accountable, but availability is going to be an issue if he continues to play the style of football that he's used to."

Here's how I feel about you at the moment, Malcolm Jenkins.

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