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Exclusive: Stripper bares all about relationship with Michael Vick

An adult dancer claiming to be Michael Vick's secret lover wrote a sexually explicit book about her experiences with Vick and his inner circle over a span of time from 2003 until late 2011.

An adult dancer who claims to be Michael Vick's secret lover has self-published a tell-all book about her alleged experiences with the quarterback that includes sexually explicit details about Vick and his inner circle.

While the book has received some media attention, has been in contact with the author and we remain unclear of what is fact and what is fantasy.

Writing under the pseudonym, Bella Escritor, the author dishes dirt on the once and, quite possibly, soon to be former Eagles quarterback in the book, Quarterback Keeper.

The book, which was first brought to light by Radar Online, includes what the author says are detailed accounts of her life with Vick from 2003-2011. Vick was married in 2012 to Kijafa Frank, whom he met in 2001.

Among the book's topics:

- Vick's sexual orientation (she says he's straight).
- Sex parties at Vick's home in which Vick and his secret lover would sneak around to other rooms and watch other couples having sex.
- An incident in which she cuddled a puppy, and Vick told her to stop it, because it would make the puppy "soft." She surmised that the puppy was probably made to be one of the dogfighters.
- Vick's relationship with a family member she only refers to as "Baby Brother." received a final draft of the book and spoke at-length with the author. Because of the book's salacious claims, Escritor was asked to provide us proof of the relationship.

"I have tons and tons and tons of proof, from text messages, emails, pictures … phone calls,'' she said. "I have his bird. I have a lot more than he knows I have."

She produced two letters she says Vick sent her from prison, the first of which was sent as a Valentine's Day card.

The signature on the first letter appears to match Vick's, while the prisoner ID number on the second – which bears a 2008 postmark – also matches Vick's. Vick was incarcerated at Leavenworth prison in 2008 for his role in the dog-fighting ring.

In providing only scant evidence -- she was either unwilling or unable to produce photographs that we requested -- to support her claims, there is ample reason to be skeptical. She refused to write under her own name, although she reveals within the book's pages that her real name is Kiana. She tried pitching it to number of publishers, but one feared a libel suit and wanted to make it a fiction book, while another wanted Vick to sign off on it.

"I got Mike's permission years ago," said Escritor, "whether he remembers it or not."

A third publisher, Escritor said, wanted her to dish even more dirt on Vick, but she says she refused to do so.

Eventually, Escritor says she started her own publishing company, which goes by the name of "Escritor Enterprise, LLC." Quarterback Keeper is the lone book her company has published.

"This is my way, my liability," said Escritor. "I get that."

While the book raises as many questions about the author as it does the subject, the ability to self-publish a book in a fraction of the time, with a fraction of the effort – and a fraction of the fact-checking -- could put it at the forefront of an increasingly crowded "tell-all" market.

In the past, in order to get a book published by a major publisher, an author would have to go through layers of editors, proofreaders, and lawyers to substantiate the content. As a self-publisher, anyone can type up a manuscript and publish it in as little as 48 hours.

Escritor said she tried funding the book through a Kickstarter campaign aimed at raising $22,000.

"Over the summer, when I first initiated putting the book out there, just to see what people would say, I did a little Kickstarter thing," she said. "I basically put up a number where I knew that it was not going to happen. I just wanted to see what people would say."

They didn't say much, as the fundraising efforts fell short by $21,770.

The book is now "available" on the website Although it's not immediately clear how to purchase the book on the website or how much it costs, that's where it can at least be found.

A publicist for Vick said the quarterback would not comment on the book, but said, "Throughout Michael's career, a lot of people have tried to make money off his name. This is another example of that."

The Eagles declined comment.'s conversation with Escritor revealed a number of issues, both in and out of the book:

On whether she's worried about legal retaliation from Vick:

"No, I'm not worried about that at all. Throughout my time knowing Mike, I have had witnesses to everything that I put in the book. I didn't put anything untrue in the book. I didn't set out to damage him any more than he has already been damaged. That isn't what the book was for. I think it more or less humanizes him in a way. I have years and years and years and years of proof, and there's a lot more in that book, and he knows it, that I didn't put out there. There is a lot more."

On Vick's involvement in dogfighting:

"Michael never told me about the dogfighting. I knew there were dogs around, but I was never part of that. He never made me a part of that. Prior to it, I was clueless, and I'm glad he kept me clueless, but when I found out, I found out the hard way.

When I found out about the animal thing, that hurt. I looked at him different. I stood by him because I'm that kind of person. I'm not going to leave you when you're down if I met you when you were up."

On Donovan McNabb:

"The only time I heard him speak on McNabb, it was as if McNabb wasn't willing to share the field, at his position."

The book refers to McNabb as "selfish."

On Andy Reid, Marcus Vick, and the party incident in which Quanis Phillips got shot:

Note: Escritor thought that Vick was referring to Reid, but said that Vick only referred to him as "the coach."

An excerpt from the book:

I wasn't at the birthday party and I didn't know who did what. All I knew at that point was something about cake being thrown around, a disrespectful former dog-fighting co-defendant showing up and getting shot outside of the club. Vick didn't fill me in on every single thing that happened either, he just told me what I think he needed me to hear. What he said was enough for me to kind of know who did it and what for. He kept talking in this sad kind of tone about how much he loved his brother and would do anything for him, but in order for him to keep his job, he was going to have to take every one's advice, including his Coach, and cut his brother off.

The above excerpt is in reference to an incident in which one of Vick's former dogfighting co-defendants was shot outside a club hosting Vick's 30th birthday party.

On Vick's inner circle:

"When I was around him, I don't know what it is now, but he keeps a circle, and a lot of the players are not in the circle. A lot of his teammates are not in the circle. Whenever I was around, and I was around a lot, I didn't want to be seen.

There were times when I'd run into players on the elevator in the lobby, and I would act like I didn't know him. I'd wait for the next elevator. That's how I wanted to do it. He never told me to hide in front of the other players. There were times we'd be out in public. We'd drive together. It was never 'Hide, Kiana.'

I didn't want to know other players. His family, that's fine. His close circle, that's fine. But I didn't want myself to be out there."

On why she wrote the book:

"I was contacted by someone close to Vick's family, and they had been telling me for a while that they were going to put our story out there. They had ulterior motives with him.  They told me they were going to address (my relationship with Vick) in a different manner, and so I just put it out there my way. It's my story and it should be told my way. From what I've been told, that person, that source, still has in their mind to put our story out there."

As Escritor has already proven, starting your own publishing company and quickly publishing a book shouldn't be much of a hurdle.

Vick is set to become a free agent when the new league year begins on March 11th.