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Philadelphia celebrities support DeMarco Murray signing with the Eagles

DeMarco Murray potentially signing with the Eagles has a lot of people on edge. A few days ago, Cowboys receiver Dez Bryant was feeling a bit prickly at the notion of losing his team (and the NFL's) top rusher.

Which is understandable, but Murray has given Dallas plenty of opportunities to keep him, even going so far as to reportedly give them one last shot. The tension is palpable as Ryan Mathews, the running back Eagles fans thought they were getting, was hanging around the NovaCare Complex before leaving - but that may have just been to attend his physical, because Chip Kelly supposedly still wants Mathews, even if he should land Murray...

In the mean time, some of Philadelphia's more widely known natives have taken it upon themselves to encourage Murray to do the right thing and make the Cowboys feel bad:

Seattle-born Rainn Wilson has some thoughts on the matter.

Former Eagles draftee and current Oakland Raider Jamar Chaney offered his take:

And Lane Johnson is applauding.

Of course, not everyone is digging the move.

He's right, though. About Bradford.