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Thanks to Johnny Football, Eagles get tremendous value in trade back with Browns

When the Eagles were on the clock at the 22nd pick, none of the six players they had in mind at that spot were available, according to Geoff Mosher of CSN Philly.

When the Eagles were on the clock at the 22nd pick, none of the six players they had in mind at that spot were available, according to Geoff Mosher of CSN Philly.

Chip said they had 6 guys in mind at 22, all were taken.

And so, the Eagles looked to get out of the 22nd spot. According to Jay Glazer, there was a bidding war for the Eagles' pick, and the Browns came with a better offer.

Vikings thought they had a deal w eagles and browns came w better offer

The Browns had to trade the 83rd overall pick to move up from 26 to 22. In other words, to move back a mere 4 spots, the Eagles gained a 3rd round pick. A month ago, we speculated that the Browns could make a modest move up with the Eagles.

The Browns have 10 picks in this draft, including 5 of the first 83 picks overall. If they really liked a player at 22 they didn't think would make it to 26, they could make a modest move up and still keep all 5 of their top 83 picks. With 10 total picks and 7 in the first 4 rounds, the Browns have the ammo to get whoever they have targeted.

Here were the Browns' picks when the Eagles were on the clock:

And here's the draft value chart:

A move up from 26 to 22 should have cost the Browns a 4th round pick.

Eagles at 22nd overall pick = 780 points.

Browns at 26th overall pick (1st round, 700 points) + 106th overall pick (4th round, 82 points) = 782 points.

Instead, the Eagles were able to pry a 3rd round pick away from the Browns.

Eagles at 22nd overall pick = 780 points.

Browns at 26th overall pick (1st round, 700 points) + 83rd overall pick (175 points) = 875 points.

That is tremedous value, especially considering the first round didn't quite go the way the Eagles would have preferred. But that's what happens when teams need a quarterback. They'll overpay to get them, and in this case, the Eagles reaped the benefits.

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