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Penguins assistant GM agrees that his team is whiny

Penguins assistant GM Bill Guerin went on Hockey Central at Noon, a show hosted by former NHL player Doug MacLean, who brought up the notion that the Penguins spent a larger part of the game yapping at the refs than most other teams. Guerin couldn't help but agree:

"Your team whines quite a bit," MacLean said to Guerin on-air Thursday. "It's hurt you at times in key situations, and I think it's hurt you at playoff time."

"It's definitely an area that we've identified as being an issue at times. And you know what? We've put ourselves in that position, and we have to be better. There's no question," Guerin admitted.

Guerin went on to say the team needed some more "grit" presumably so that they could keep from tumbling out of the playoffs super early, again.