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Let’s talk turkey: A calorie-torching Thanksgiving day cardio circuit

Are you ready to rise and grind? The fitness fairy is here to give you a workout wakeup call.

Choo, Choo!  Here comes the gravy train - next stop, your thighs.

Thanksgiving marks the beginning of season's greetings and eatings.  Something bizarre happens when the holidays roll around, we start guzzling drinks, delectables and desserts as if we are preparing to hibernate for the winter.  We are humans, not Neanderthals who need to collect gravy drizzled drumsticks and pecan pies to stock in our underground lair until in February.  Don't let the turkey have all of the fun this holiday.  Carve your bird and your body with this easy fitness routine.

Turkey Trot.  Put a dent in your day by starting off on the right fitness foot.  You work hard all week and want to rest over the holidays.  I get it.  Make exercise fun on your day off by incorporating a workout that doesn't seem like work at all.  Gather some friends together for a game of flag football, or go for a long walk with family that morning, or following your meal.  While you are waiting on your turkey to do beautiful things in the oven, carve out some time in your day of overindulging and crack out the following quick, effective cardio routine:

30 Jumping Jacks
10 Push-Ups
60 Seconds Running in Place
60 second Plank
10 Stationary Lunges
10 Jump Squats
{Repeat 3x's}

Full hearts don't have to translate into full bellies.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Earn it.

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