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Philly's Next Top Trainer is...

If you've been following along with our first-ever Philly’s Next Top Trainer competition, you know all five of our finalists are amazing — but we could only have one winner.

Philadelphia has claimed its champion: Nick Deacon is Philly's Next Top Trainer.

Nick beat out four other finalists, tallying more than 300 votes, to earn the crown. He will be featured in his very own exercise video series on and will be outfitted by Lululemon Philadelphia. Based on what Nick's already told us, we have a feeling his videos might involve some full-body combo exercises like thrusters and will most likely target your hamstrings because chances are you're not working them enough!

Voters loved Nick's easy-to-follow approach and the fact that he's not afraid to keep his clients honest. Here's what some voters had to say about why Nick should be crowned our Next Top Trainer:

"When we started, Nick probably knew more about my own body than I did! But what really sets him apart is how he listened, learned and applied all of that back to me, setting me on a path to know and understand what my body was telling me."

"In a short time, Nick has helped me make the changes I had been working towards for years. He is extremely knowledgeable, but more importantly he is an excellent teacher."

"As a former Christian Street YMCA instructor, I got to see Nick work with clients and watched how positively they responded to his knowledge and encouragement.  What makes Nick an amazing trainer is his relatability and honesty, which allows people to feel comfortable to be vulnerable."

"He is disarmingly open and accommodating, never judgmental; consistently positive."

"Not only is he good at training, he really takes the time to build relationships with each and every client. He truly wants his clients to succeed."

Check back in the coming weeks to see Nick's exercise videos. View all of the entries here »