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Pam Africa's complaint

Pam Africa attacked Lynne Abraham for her role in the MOVE debacle. Here’s what Africa wants you to forget

Today's is that the staff at the prison at Mahanoy is "trying to kill Mumia," meaning the cop-killer Abu-Jamal.

The staff must be really lousy at it because Mumia's been in custody for almost 30 years. This complaint centers on inadequate medical attention for diabetes. Abu-Jamal was rushed to the hospital last week.

We know that correctional medical facilities are not the best in the world. Or the nation. Or the state. That's just one more reason not to kill a cop execution style, or any other way.

The story shows how Africa, who is best known with her association with MOVE, connects the dots. She's telling the Department of Corrections that Abu-Jamal did not have diabetes before he was incarcerated. You know what? I didn't have arthritis before I joined the Daily News. I do now. The Daily News must be trying to kill me.

The story also reports Abu-Jamal is suffering from eczema. Poor baby.

A few days earlier, Africa showed up at a mayoral debate and bitched that when Lynne Abraham was D.A. she issued warrants for the arrest of MOVErs in their compound at 6221 Osage Avenue. Africa made it seem mean.

At the debate, Abraham brushed off Africa's comments.

I tried reaching Abraham to talk about the warrants. Due to the holidays, I couldn't.

Here's my memory of what preceded that dark day:

The inhabitants of the compound were brandishing firearms, threatening neighbors (often over non-stop loud speaker turned to full volume), kids were not going to school, garbage was being thrown in the yard, attracting rats, an illegal bunker was being built on the roof, plus general squalor.

The neighbors were screaming at the city for relief.

When it came, it was a tragedy due to incompetent supervision on the scene. Abraham had nothing to do with that.

The point is, the warrants were, well, warranted.

And nothing Pam Africa can say will change the truth.