Is Cara Delevingne's modeling career in jeopardy?
Suddenly, Cara Delevingne may be known for much more than her coveted thigh gap.
Suddenly, Cara Delevingne may be known for much more than her lush brows and coveted thigh gap.
The 20-year-old model, who has contracts with fashion retailers like H&M, Burberry fragrances and Victoria's Secret, was snapped by a daily tabloid as a little packet of white powder that resembled cocaine came flying out of her purse.
One photographer told The Sun, "She was trying to get inside her house. She said, 'I've lost my keys guys, I've lost my keys'. She was really giggly. She found it hilarious but her friend was really edgy about it. Suddenly Cara dropped something and bent over to pick it up. Very discreetly, she just put her foot on it and then rolled her handbag across so it looked like she was just kind of bending over."
The Daily Mail reports that H&M is currently investigating Delevingne who is the face of its Divided line. A company spokesman also told the paper, "If the story is true, then we will take action."
H&M's "zero tolerance" drug policy lead it to drop Kate Moss in 2005 after her cocaine scandal. Moss subsequently was dropped by Chanel, Burberry and five other companies.