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Full recap of Steve Austin's interview with Vince McMahon

Steve Austin conducted his biggest interview yet for his popular podcast Monday.

He got more than an hour with WWE chairman and chief executive officer Vince McMahon live on the WWE Network and promised it would be a no holds barred discussion between the two.

Well, to say that Austin held up to his word would be an understatement.

Austin got more out of McMahon than many expected and left little to nothing off the table.

The end result was a fascinating interview that actually may have helped McMahon in some respects. He didn't dodge any of Austin's questions. People may not have agreed with everything that McMahon had to say, but he should be applauded for answering the questions.

A lot of ground was covered during the interview, but I was very happy that Austin addressed the big, pink elephant in the room, and that was the comments CM Punk made about McMahon and the WWE as a whole last week on the Art of Wrestling podcast.

I wasn't expecting McMahon to really address the issue let alone Austin to ask about it, but both happened. Kudos must go to Austin for asking about it and kudos also must go to McMahon for not dodging it.

McMahon didn't go into great detail about everything involving CM Punk, but made sure to issue an apology for CM Punk receiving his termination papers from the WWE on the day of his wedding back in June.

He also said that he hoped that CM Punk and the WWE could re-establish a working relationship.

As far as some of the disparaging things CM Punk talked about during the podcast, McMahon said, "There's always two sides to every story."

Again, there wasn't a ton of details divulged, but I applaud McMahon for at least addressing it.

Among the news to come from the interview was that "Macho Man" Randy Savage will go into the WWE Hall of Fame one day, but McMahon did not go as far as to say when.

Another piece of news was that McMahon hoped to resolve the issues with the launch of the WWE Network in the United Kingdom. He said that he hoped to have everything in order by the beginning of 2015, but avoided putting a hard deadline on it.

One of the more interesting topics of discussion during the interview was the current state of the WWE roster.

According to McMahon, the locker room is full of millennials the lack ambition, and attributed that to being the reason why the WWE is so short on star power at the moment.

I'm not sure what criticizing the current talent will do for the morale of the locker room, but McMahon seemingly felt strong in this belief.

Among those Austin and McMahon talked about particular was Cesaro. Austin mentioned that he was a big fan of Cesaro, but thought that the WWE halted his momentum after WrestleMania.

McMahon was quite frank when it came to his assessment of Cesaro. He said that Cesaro lacked charisma and the overall "it" factor needed to ascend to the highest level of the company.

McMahon believes Cesaro has all of the physical gifts, but is lacking something he can't quite put his finger on. As far as a solution to Cesaro's problem, McMahon said that honestly didn't have one at the moment.

There was a lot more covered during the interview, including his thoughts on Jim Ross, Shane McMahon and what the thought process was behind ending The Undertaker's streak at WrestleMania.

I advise anyone who hasn't listened to it by now to do so as soon as possible. It is well worth the $9.99 it costs for the WWE Network.

If the WWE continues to provide quality content like this, the subscription numbers for the network are sure to rise.