Shawn Michaels reveals insight into The Undertaker losing at WrestleMania
WWE Hall of Fame Shawn Michaels was a guest on Jim Ross' podcast this week and was asked about his thoughts on The Undertaker losing to Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 30 last month, ending his famed undefeated streak.
Michaels said that he was as shocked as anyone that The Undertaker had been beaten for the first time in 22 WrestleMania appearances, but also gave some insight into when the decision was made for it to actually happen.
"Oh, I was shocked. I was shocked," Michaels said. "I guess even afterwards I'm somewhat amused. I check the Twitter where you where hear the stories that are out there and none of them are accurate."
"Everybody was stunned," he added. "You [Ross] know as well as I do that one person and one person only makes that call. As much as everyone wants to think other people have some say so in that they don't."
"I'm sure in Vince's mind he's got a reason, so that's fine for me and quite honestly none of it is my business anyway, so I don't worry about that."
Ross went on to say that he wouldn't have been surprised if the decision for The Undertaker to lose at WrestleMania was made hours before the show or even a couple of days before.
Michaels then went ahead and confirmed an exact amount of hours.
"I can tell you four hours," he said.
Part of the reason for Michaels' direct knowledge of the situations was because he was apparently sitting in what is known as the "Gorilla position" during the match, which is where Vince McMahon and other higher ups sit and watch the match on monitors right behind the curtain backstage. The position is named after the late Gorilla Monsoon.
Michaels didn't divulge much more behind-the-scenes information during the interview, not because he didn't want to, but because he said he actually doesn't know.
Ross then said that he talked to The Undertaker at the Hall of Fame ceremony the night before WrestleMania and asked how many more matches he had left in him.
According to Ross, The Undertaker said, "I don't know. I'll let you know in a few hours."