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WWE Monday Night Raw results and observations (12/15/14)

The good people of Detroit got a mostly uneventful episode of Monday Night Raw, but did get to witness a pretty hot angle to close the show.

But that show-closing angle didn't quite make up for the rest of the show, which if you missed it, you won't feel bad about it.

Here are the full results from Joe Louis Arena:

- Big Show & Luke Harper def. Erick Rowan & Dolph Ziggler

- Natalya & Alicia Fox def. The Bella Twins

- The New Day def. Goldust & Stardust

- Kane def. Adam Rose

- Jimmy Uso def. The Miz

- Steel Cage Match – Seth Rollins def. John Cena

Brock Lesnar returns and destroys people

As soon as Chris Jericho, who was the special guest host, made the match between himself and Paul Heyman, you had to have known Brock Lesnar was going to show up at some point to save his old pal.

As expected, he did, and instantly added something positive to show despite the fact that he was missing the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Remember that title?

Anyway, Lesnar came out and hit Jericho with the F5 before leaving. He popped up again later in the night during the steel cage match between John Cena and Seth Rollins.

As he did earlier, Lesnar went to the ring, although this time with the title belt, and put Cena in a bunch of German suplexes before polishing him off with an F5.

Say what you want Lesnar and his lack of appearances, which is the deal he AND the WWE agreed to, when he steps from behind that curtain he still feels special.

It only cements Vince McMahon's stance on keeping Lesnar's attraction alive.

The only problem is that he's working with the same guy he's worked with going back to August in Cena.

I think Lesnar is a heck of a draw and a heck of a talent, but I wish that he just worked with more people. It doesn't have to be the entire roster, but just a handful.

Seth Rollins now a "Paul Heyman Guy?"

Before Seth Rollins calmly stepped out of the steel cage to earn a victory over Cena, he shook hands with Paul Heyman in a way that solidified a partnership between the two.

I guess it gives Rollins something to do other than to cry about wanting The Authority back, but I'm not so sure this is the right move.

As good as Heyman is as a manager, aligning someone with him doesn't always work out for the better. Just ask Curtis Axel, Ryback and Cesaro.

It's not the fault of Heyman or the talents, I just think that Heyman works so well with Lesnar and CM Punk that none of those guys could measure up to that level of heat. They're instantly compared to, fairly or unfairly, to Lesnar and CM Punk.

Rollins is very, very talented and is essentially the No. 1 heel in the company when Lesnar isn't around. Let's hope that if he is becoming a "Paul Heyman Guy" that it actually benefits him.

Ryback-Rusev feud on the horizon

The build of Rusev has been mostly successful so far, but it hasn't really offered anything new to the program in a while.

On Monday, we got just that as he was in the crosshairs of Ryback.

I'm not sure what the matches are going to look like, but I think Ryback and Rusev can generate some heat given that they're both over in their own right.

People still like to boo Rusev and Ryback has been mostly over since becoming a babyface again, so on that premise alone this feud could work.

Again, the matches may be a different story.

Loud NXT chants during New Day-Goldust, Stardust match

As mentioned numerous times on this blog in the past couple of days, WWE's main roster had a lot to follow at TLC, which came three days after a fantastic live NXT special.

Well, TLC failed to top NXT despite the talents' best efforts.

The fans in Detroit decided to voice this in the form of loud NXT chants during the match between The New Day and Goldust and Stardust.

Not only were they lauding NXT for putting on a great show last week, they were probably also bored of Goldust and Stardust and still unsure of what exactly The New Day is and what it represents.

Down goes Erick Rowan again

Boy, a couple of weeks ago Erick Rowan looked like an unstoppable big man that was ready to take on the world.

In the last 48 hours, however, Big Show beat him twice, including knocking him out in the middle of the ring on national television.

Consider whatever momentum he had to be halted.

Tyson Kidd smitten with The Bellas

It seems like every week Tyson Kidd does something that doesn't get replayed a bunch of times on television, but it's still great nonetheless.

Here's a prime example:

This week, it was him checking on one of the Bellas despite the fact that his wife Natalya just won the match.

Once he realized his wife was giving him a death glare that married men know all to well, he quickly jumped into the ring to celebrate with her.

I don't know if Kidd will ever become a main player on the WWE roster, but his current character is definitely providing quality entertainment every single week.