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WWE Tables, Ladders and Chairs 2015: Match-by-match predictions for the show

On paper, Tables, Ladders and Chairs looks like a fun card.

If you've watched everything leading into WWE's final pay-per-view offering of 2015, however, you probably feel a little different, as the stories being told left a lot to be desired.

That's not a new feeling for me, at least, heading into a WWE pay-per-view. I've had this feeling numerous times over the past two years.

There have been multiple events over the course of 2014-15 that I didn't feel good about heading into, including WrestleMania 31, but the quality of the matches almost made up for the lack of quality in the angles and booking logic.

If WWE's creative could match its in-ring quality, there probably wouldn't be a sharp decline in the company's television ratings.

But that is not the case as we head into TLC, which on paper should be an enjoyable night of wrestling. The only problem is that the lack of energy surrounding the product has made a good chunk of the fan base somewhat apathetic toward anything that happens in the ring.

With that said, let's jump into my predictions for WWE TLC, which will emanate from TD Garden in Boston:

WWE World Heavyweight championship (Tables, Ladders & Chairs) – Sheamus (c) vs. Roman Reigns

Everything that has occurred until this point screams that Sheamus will find a way to retain his WWE World Heavyweight championship.

Roman Reigns has gotten the upper hand on Sheamus about a half-dozen times since Survivor Series and did so twice on the most recent edition of Monday Night Raw. If you follow WWE's booking pattern that typically means Sheamus will come out on top.

However, it seems as though that Reigns is destined to regain the WWE World Heavyweight title at some point. If I had to guess, I would say some time before WrestleMania, as I do not see WWE letting Sheamus walk into its biggest show of the year as the champion.

I think WWE would much rather have Reigns walk into WrestleMania as the champion. Obviously, there's a lot of time between now and WrestleMania, meaning that TLC doesn't have to be his final opportunity.

But if WWE plans on keeping this feud going heading into the Royal Rumble, it has to have a reason to give Reigns another title match if he loses at TLC.

With no real reason for that to occur, I think Reigns wins at TLC and retains in a possible rematch at the Royal Rumble.

For all of the Reigns haters, you may want to avert your eyes at the end of Sunday night.

Prediction: Reigns WINS the WWE World Heavyweight championship

WWE Intercontinental championship – Kevin Owens (c) vs. Dean Ambrose

If you had told me six months ago that we would be getting a WWE Intercontinental title match between Kevin Owens and Dean Ambrose at a pay-per-view, I would have signed up for that without even thinking about it.

Unfortunately, I'm not nearly that excited to see this match given the lack of creativity WWE has put into this match, which is a shame considering the level of talent that these two men possess.

Both men are great wrestlers in the ring, but where they make their bones is with their ability to convey their characters to the audience. But WWE somehow didn't think that the two of its best talkers were worthy of getting a good amount of time on the microphone to sell their match.

Instead, it gave Reigns and Sheamus too much microphone time.

Whether the creative was good or bad, it wouldn't change the outcome in my mind. I think Owens holds on to the title. I just wish there was more that these two and the fans could sink their teeth into when it comes to this match.

Prediction: Owens RETAINS the WWE Intercontinental championship

WWE Tag Team championship (Ladder match) – The New Day (c) vs. The Usos vs. The Lucha Dragons

I don't see a reason to take the titles off The New Day just yet. The New Day is literally the only thing I look forward to every Monday night.

On top of that, The New Day's merchandise is apparently selling very well, which gives WWE yet another reason to continue to ride this wave.

I think the match has the potential to be a lot of fun, but I think The New Day retain here.

Prediction: The New Day RETAINS the WWE Tag Team championship

WWE United States championship (Chairs match) – Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Jack Swagger

I didn't care about this match before last Monday night and now with Zeb Colter seemingly out of the picture, I care about it even less.

Even worse, WWE has made this a chairs match, which I still don't know what in the world that even means or why WWE continues to use that stupid stipulation.

It's so stupid, 2K Games doesn't even include it in the WWE 2K video game. It's that pointless. I guess Alberto Del Rio retains here because … I don't know.

Prediction: Del Rio RETAINS the WWE United States championship

WWE Divas championship – Charlotte (c) vs. Paige

Speaking of something I don't know, I have no idea what is going on between Charlotte and Paige.

The way I look at this situation at the moment is they're both heels, which is probably going to make the fans indifferent to anything that occurs during the match.

However, indifference does not equal money, nor does it make for a good crowd reaction during a match. Once again, I don't see a reason for the title to come off Charlotte just yet, so she retains.

Prediction: Charlotte RETAINS the WWE Divas championship

Eight-man elimination tables match – The Wyatt Family vs. The Dudley Boyz, Tommy Dreamer & Rhyno

The sole reason The Dudley Boyz, Tommy Dreamer and Rhyno are even in this match is to get The Wyatt Family a strong victory after being dismantled by The Undertaker and Kane.

The Extreme Championship Wrestling stalwarts certainly weren't put into this match to win or get over. At least I hope that's not the case.

If the intent is to get The Wyatt Family over, then they have to win here.

Prediction: The Wyatt Family def. The Dudley Boyz, Tommy Dreamer & Rhyno

Ryback vs. Rusev

If WWE had properly built these two over the past two years, this could have been a potential main event.

Both have had considerable amounts of steam over the past couple of years. Between 2012 and 2013, Ryback was built up as this unstoppable babyface that was over with the fans. That was until he ran into John Cena. WWE turned him heel and things went downhill from there.

As for Rusev, he was built up as an unstoppable heel that literally no one could beat. He was taken seriously as a main-event heel, but that was until he ran into Cena. I'm sensing a pattern here.

Since running into the roadblock known as the booking of Cena, Rusev has been made into a bit of a comedic, romantic heel, nothing like the monster he was eight months ago.

Instead of having an unstoppable babyface going up against an unstoppable heel, we have this, a nothing match that will be forgotten after 24 hours.

Prediction: Rusev def. Ryback