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WrestleMania 30: Daniel Bryan wins the WWE World Heavyweight Championship

NEW ORLEANS - After months of being held down by The Authority, Daniel Bryan finally regained the WWE World Heavyweight Championship after forcing Batista to submit to the "Yes!" lock.

More than 75,000 fans in the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans chanted "Yes!" in unison as fireworks and confetti rained down on the new champion in what is sure to be a moment that will be replayed for many years to come.

Bryan gained entry into the triple threat match against Batista and the champion Randy Orton after he defeated Triple H in the first match of the night.

However, Bryan did not come out unscathed as Triple H delivered more damage to Bryan's already injured shoulder.

Bryan suffered more damage during the match when Batista and Orton combined for a Batista bomb-RKO combo through a table. Paramedics came to take Bryan out of the arena, but he refused the help and crawled back into the match.

Orton and Batista both came close to winning the match, but Bryan eventually prevailed by forcing Batista to submit.