Movie night is back at Schuylkill Banks
We may not have drive in movie theatres in Philadelphia, but we definitely have a lot of bridges that can be used for many purposes. Starting next week, the summer 2011 Movie Nights along the Schuylkill Banks are back!
We may not have drive in movie theatres in Philadelphia, but we definitely have a lot of bridges that can be used for many purposes. Starting next week, the summer 2011 Movie Nights along the Schuylkill Banks are back! Round up your friends and blankets to watch a movie near the Walnut Street Bridge. All of the movies start at dusk (around 8:30 pm), but if you show up early you get free snacks and the chance to enter a free raffle!
On June 9 the movie is going to be Hancock starring Will Smith and Charlize Therron. Need a little refreshing on what the movie is about, check out the trailer below! Here is a list of all the movies being shown this summer, be sure to mark your calendars.
June 9, 2011: Hancock
June 23, 2011: Goldfinger
July 7, 2011: Spider-Man
July 21, 2011: Iron Man
August 4, 2011: The Rocketeer
August 18, 2011: The Incredibles
Remember to practice safety when crossing railroad tracks heading over to the Schuylkill Banks! Use the trains that will be stopping at the Locust Street or Race Street for designated crossings.
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