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Grizzly Grizzly presents Inside Space

Grizzly Grizzly is bringing the East and West coast together this June for a stellar exhibition.

Next month, Grizzly Grizzly will present 'Inside Space', a two-person exhibition that will bring together; John Chwekun and Mark Sengbusch. Each artist will investigate ideas of structured space. John Chwekun will do so through his small-scale objects, while Mark Sengbusch will use his graphic paintings.  The diversity in size range will introduce unexpected variety into a dialog between two artists who share an interest in repetition and unity.

Californian sculptor, John Chwekun, creates barely perceptible sculptures inspired by the innate, structured patterns of the natural world. The discretion of the objects draws viewers in for a closer inspection, dissolving the space between viewer and artwork.  "The pieces quiety hope that an onlooker might investigate and perhaps consider the truly intimate connection we have to that which surrounds us.  This is why my work absolutely depends on being experience first hand."

Brooklyn bred painter, Mark Sengbusch, will be showing his 'Comb Series,' two-colored paintings that flatten pictorial space by creating a complex and ambiguous figure/ground relationship.  He uses acrylic paint to create a scrimshaw effect of black, white or gray which denies any painterly illusion of depth.

Both artists will be at the opening reception on June 1st.