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PhilaMOCA "Branches" out in new exhibit

The newest PhilaMOCA show aims to explore the various meanings of the word “branches” and how it can be applied in different artistic ways

What does the word "BRANCHES" mean to you?

Is it literal?
n. Secondary outgrowths, subdivisions or divergent sections of a main axis or structure.

Is it active?
v. To put forth a branch or branches; to spread by dividing.
v. To come forth as a branch or subdivision; develop or diverge from.

Is it abstract?
n. The limited parts of a larger or more complex unit or system.

The newest PhilaMOCA show aims to explore the various meanings of the word "branches" and how it can be applied in different artistic ways. This collaborative, group exhibit features the work of : Tara Bergey, Valerie Blassey, Richardson Comly, Clawed, Amanda Hamtil, Darin Harbaugh, Gaby Heit, M S Heitler, Karl Jones, Christopher Kontoes, Marco Mahler, Raheli, Ryan Solemio

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