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Avoid Scranton, Pa., in event of zombie apocalypse

What would you do if zombies took over America? Where the heck would you run off to?

What would you do if zombies took over America? Where the heck would you run off to?

Thankfully, researchers at Cornell University broke it down and have provided us with some answers, reports The Wall Street Journal. First off, they suggest we stay far away from Northeastern Pennsylvania, specifically Scranton.

"To develop the model, scientists in Cornell's physics department broke down the U.S. population in a grid of roughly 3-kilometer-square boxes. They then built upon classic epidemiological models of infectious-disease transmission—measles, the flu and the like—to simulate a marauding band of undead ravaging the country."

Of course you should avoid highly populated areas such as New York City, but the study also found that the danger zones change over time, so why avoid Scranton?

"This means that were a zombie outbreak to start in any of these nearby cities—New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, D.C.—the creatures would have a high probability of finding their way to northeastern Pennsylvania, which puts the area at especially high risk, Mr. Alemi notes."  Alemi is Cornell researcher Alex Alemi.

Where should you go then? Try Montana or Nevada, you should be safe there.

Those in a more serious frame of mind in the meantime can read the academic paper here.